Conversational Analytics & GenAI in Corporate Treasury
Conversational Analytics & GenAI in Corporate Treasury
Generative AI can help streamline productivity and increase efficiency for corporate treasurers while enhancing the customer experience
Generative AI can help streamline productivity and increase efficiency for corporate treasurers while enhancing the customer experience

J.P. Morgan Payments is pursuing a conversational analytics assistant, a particularly promising GenAI application that could have the power to significantly enhance the corporate treasurer experience by making complicated data more accessible.

As we look to the rapidly approaching horizon, we see how corporate treasurers may soon be able to use plain language prompts to query their data in real-time—empowering them to retrieve information, create custom reports and visualizations, and run more complex analytics—without coding.

With a conversational analytics assistant like this, prompts and questions such as

“show me a bar chart that captures how balances across my different accounts have changed over the last 3 months”,

“what’s my average quarterly payment frequency to my suppliers” and

“show my last quarter’s foreign currency flows organized by currency pairs”

have the potential to be answered clearly and in seconds.

And as GenAI capabilities mature, self-driving treasury might also emerge. Not only could GenAI provide insights to corporate treasurers, it could evolve into providing recommendations that can streamline workstreams, save companies time and money and help identify potential human errors or fraud.  As those recommendations become more and more accurate over time, GenAI may reach a point where it can execute on behalf of corporate treasurers within specific parameters they set.

A concept that could quickly become reality

While open banking trends have simplified corporate treasury access to raw payments data significantly over the past decade, leveraging this data for GenAI capabilities usage remains a daunting task for many corporate treasury departments. To better serve our clients’ needs, we have rapidly transformed into a “Fintech that is part of one of the world’s largest banks” says Tony Wimmer, Head of Analytics & Insights for J.P. Morgan Payments.

The team successfully developed a conversational analytics assistant prototype that allows corporate treasurers to interact with their payments data in plain language. The prototype is trained to understand the context of payments and the corporate treasurer workflow, and the ChatGPT-like prototype is an interface connected to payments data. Initial results are highly promising with information retrieval, reporting and analytics workflows taking seconds instead of days.

To create the best experience for clients, we engaged corporate treasurers to experience the prototype, leveraging our payments expertise and our position as a technology leader to stay on top of ‘the art of the possible’ to help solve real world problems for our clients.

Excited about the potential positive impact on their workflow, clients are particularly interested in how we’re leveraging AI to transform corporate treasury solutions. These solutions could provide greater visibility into accounts and balances in seconds, streamline payments to the same beneficiary to reduce fees, and ultimately give treasurers recommendations that improve processes, amount of time spent and reduce costs.
