Optimized Enterprise Search and Knowledge Base
Optimized Enterprise Search and Knowledge Base
Bankers equipped with Gen AI may find that information searches that once consumed hours could now take minutes

When bankers need to check up on complex regulations, bankers could, via Gen AI, receive cogent summaries — rather than just citations of, or links to, statutes and other raw material

Both internal and external search are benefitting from generative AI technology. For employees and other internal users of business tools, generative AI models can be used to scour, identify, and/or summarize enterprise resources when users are searching for certain information about their jobs or projects. These tools are designed for not only searching typical sources, like company files, but also company applications, messaging tools, and web properties.

Similarly, generative AI models can be embedded into company websites and other customer-facing properties, giving visitors a self-service solution for finding answers to their brand questions. Many companies have long invested in chatbot support tools, but with generative AI-powered search, these chatbots now have a much larger library of resources to reference when answering user questions.

Creating smarter versions of self-service search tools can save time for every member of your team. Leaders can shift their focus to higher-value projects and tasks rather than focusing their energy on routine employee training and information sharing. On the flip side, employees still receive the information and training they need. If the same technology is applied to customer service, customers can independently find the answers to their most important questions so your team can focus on other areas of business growth and management.
